
Any day now...

So here we are with my due date 10 days off. Little Audrey could come any day now. I know we are all so very anxious to meet her. I have to keep reminding myself that not only could she come any day now, but she could also come late and I am trying to mentally prepare myself for that as well. Even so, I am sure that if the due date comes and goes and she still has not made an appearance, I will start to get a little nuts. It is just so surreal to think that at any time I could go into labor and have my baby. My baby girl. My daughter

I cannot even imagine how I am going to feel, I don't think it's something I can predict or fathom until it happens. Even then I don't even know if I will be able to put it into words. I look around the living room and see her bouncer, all assembled (but still in need of some batteries), my packed hospital bag, her carseat... I walk into the nursery and just stare and stare at the empty spaces where she will eventually sleep and cry and fuss and giggle. The chair where I plan to read her bedtime stories and nurse her and tickle her, and blow raspberries on her tummy. And I just can't wrap my head around her being in that bouncer, or that carseat, or that chair. I know it's coming, and soon. But I still just cannot fully picture it. I just don't think it has truly, truly hit me yet. It is such a strange place to be, mentally. Knowing that there is this person about to enter our lives and become such a huge part of everything we are, and yet she is not here yet and I just... I don't know. It's just so surreal. But I know I am in for quite the ride. 

Come on out, Audrey. We are waiting for you.